This is a fun day of cattle herding, blood trailing, raccoon treeing, and hog baying.  You can bring your dog to participate in the training sessions for $25 or come to watch and learn for FREE.

TLGDA Members get $5 discount

Join TLGDA here


Sign-in starts at 8am on Saturday morning at the BAR 17!

PLEASE RSVP if you are planning on attending!  This will give us an idea of how many are coming and prepare accordingly!


There will be a live auction at end of the day. Please use CONTACT US form to let us know if you have an item you’d like to donate.


Apr 26 2025


Bar 17 Arena
2384 CR 2315 Lampasas, Texas 76550

  • Who can attend the Fun Day?

    The Fun Day is open to all dog owners, trainers, and enthusiasts interested in cattle herding, raccoon treeing, blood trailing, and hog baying, regardless of dog breed.

  • How can I register for the Fun Day?

    Pre-registration is not needed Just RSVP and let us know you're coming, then pay an admission fee of $25 if you're bringing your dog. If you're just coming to watch, it is FREE admission.

  • What activities will be included in the Fun Day?

    The Fun Day will feature training sessions for cattle herding, raccoon treeing, blood trailing, and hog baying. Participants will have opportunities to practice these activities with their dogs.

  • Are there any prerequisites for attending the hands-on sessions?

    No prerequisites are required, but participants are encouraged to have basic obedience training with their dogs.

  • Can I bring multiple dogs to the seminar?

    Yes, participants may bring multiple dogs. However, each dog will require $25 admission fee if participating in sessions.

  • What should I bring to the Fun Day?

    Participants should bring appropriate outdoor clothing, training gear for their dogs, and any necessary personal items. A concession stand will be open on site.


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