Puppy Video Transcript

The Lacy Game Dog Registry is the “Official Single Breed Registry” for the “Blue Lacy Breed”.

Take time to verify authenticity of breed before you purchase a Pup from a breeder claiming to raise Blue Lacy Dogs. You can do this by contacting the LGDR registrar at 210-288-0553. There are certificates being handed out, that many believe are registration papers proving a dog is a purebred of the breed. Be aware of certificates stating, “To the best of our knowledge”, or “member in good standing” of said registry.


For the Blue Lacy breed, the Lacy Game Dog Association and Registry is the “Original “ and Official Closed stud file registry for the Breed. A closed stud book is a stud book or breed registry that does not accept any outside blood. The registered animals and all subsequent offspring trace back to the foundation stock. This ensures that the animal is a purebred member of the breed.


All pedigrees issued from the LGDR have embossed seals, and are signed by the registrar under the below statement:

“The Lacy Game Dog Registry, hereby certifies that the foregoing is a true copy of the ancestral pedigree of ….”, and the name of the qualifying dog is entered onto this form which becomes part of the official registered ancestry record.


The Lacy Game Dog Registry is the only closed stud file registry from which all Texas Lacy Game Dog pedigrees are generated, without break in linage. Purchasing your Lacy Dog from a breeder listed with the LGDR ensures that your pup’s pedigree is authentic and accurately records his three-generation ancestry within the registry stud files. All pedigrees issued from the LGDR have embossed seals, and are signed by the registrar, certifying that the document is a true copy of the ancestral pedigree.


The LGDR works in alliance with the Texas Lacy Game Dog Association. All breeders listed on the TLGDA website, www.lacydog.com, will submit all litters for registration to the LGDR and will have signed breeder ethic codes on file with the TLGDA and the LGDR. Because of this documentation on file, the TLGDA is the only Blue Lacy association the LGDR recognizes and supports.


 The Lacy Game Dog Registry will not be able to recommend Blue Lacy Pups that have not been submitted for litter registration. Until litter pictures, parentage and registration forms are submitted and reviewed by the LGDR, we advise against a purchase of stated “pure” Blue Lacy pups without proper paperwork. In the event that LGDR Litter Forms are not submitted on a litter, the pups will not be eligible for registration. This could affect individuals that plan on breeding their Blue Lacy in the future.


If a breeder does not provide LGDR Puppy Certificates with a purchase of a Blue Lacy puppy, the price should be reduced and documentation provided that you are purchasing a non-registered and/or a non-verified progeny. Any documentation promised, other than LGDR certificates, are self- produced by the breeder with gathered lineage information, and not verified by the Stud Files of the LGDR.


We hope this information has been helpful in helping you select a breeder. Together, we can preserve the heritage and the guarantee the future of the Official Texas State Dog, the Blue Lacy.

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